Maine State Wins

See how a Democratic majority in Augusta benefits ALL Mainers.

Here’s a look at some of the accomplishments that Dems in Augusta have achieved since 2023.

Childcare. Childcare workers have been amongst the lowest paid workers in any sector in Maine. These folks are the workforce behind our workforce; yet, they haven’t been paid their due. The legislature passed a $200 per month stipend in 2021 and they just recently increased the stipends to $275 for the first tier, $415 for the second tier, and $625 for the third tier. A huge boost for these workers and the families who rely on their services to get to work.

Housing. Prior to Governor Mills taking office, Maine spent $60M on housing between 2000 and 2019. Since taking office, the legislature and the governor have allocated $285M by making the single largest investment in state history, creating a new affordable rental program for rural areas, and creating a Housing First fund which will effectively end chronic homelessness in Maine.

Education. For the first time in nearly two decades, the legislature met the voter-approved 55% obligation for covering local education costs.This not only represents an investment in our children. It represents tax relief for local property taxpayers. In addition, the legislature and governor allocated $40M for career and technical education. This is the largest investment since 1998 when voters approved a $5M bond.

Paid Family Medical Leave. This is a big deal. There have been many efforts over the years to get this off the ground including one in 2016. The concern was always about the cost and how much money would be needed to create a solvent fund. Washington and Rhode Island were the only states with such a program. As a result of tireless efforts, no Mainer will need to choose between their employer or spending precious moments with their newborn or caring for a sick family member. This is how life should be in every state in our nation. As a result of this law’s passage, it will be the way life is in Maine.

Thank you to former Maine House Speaker Ryan Fecteau for this summary.